Information for Banquet Participants

Information for WPTCE2024 Banquet Participants

1. Free Bus Rides from Obaku Plaza to Banquet Place

Free bus rides are available for all the Banquet participants without advance reservations. The buses will leave “Obaku Plaza” during the following hours of Friday, May 10, 2024.

Bus No.1:   16:45
Bus No.2:   16:50
Bus No.3:   16:55
Bus No.4:   17:00
Bus No.5:   17:05
Bus No.6:   17:10

*It will take about 50 minutes from Obaku Plaza to the Banquet Place, and there will be no stop in between.

Each bus can seat maximum 40 people, so we have printed the recommended bus numbers on your name badge in order to well organize the boarding time and departure time for everyone.

In order to take the free bus to the Banquet place, please come to the open space in front of Obaku Plaza (the conference’s main venue building) around 16:35 on May 10, 2024 with your name badge on.

To participate in the Banquet, you need to be wearing a name badge with an indication of “Banquet” printed on the front.  The indication on the name badge is the proof that you have bought a banquet ticket.  Please note there is no actual “ticket” for banquet, but your name badge’s indication of “Banquet” will be regarded as the ticket. So please wear your name badge and show us the indication of “Banquet” on your name badge when you board the free bus and when you enter the Banquet venue.


2. Take all your belongings with you when you get off the bus

When your bus arrives at the Banquet place, please do not leave any belongings in the bus, but take everything with you and get off.  You will not be riding the same bus on the way back after the Banquet.

3. Bus from Banquet Place to Kyoto Station (after the Banquet)

After the banquet, the buses will take you to Kyoto Station, not back to the conference venue. Please walk to the bus parking lot from the banquet place.

The buses will be waiting for you all, and you can take any bus available.

But please note that the bus will leave one by one when it gets fully seated. There should be enough seats for all the Banquet participants, but the last bus will probably leave the parking lot around 21:00.  Please do not stop by anywhere after you leave the Banquet place, but go directly to the bus parking lot, and please DO NOT MISS THE BUS!!  It may be hopelessly difficult to go back to your hotel on your own.

The buses from the Banquet place will all go to Kyoto Station. From there, please go back to your hotels on your own.