Panel Sessions

Panel Sessions

Panel Sessions will be held during the lunch break hours on May 9 and May 11, and you can bring in your lunch with you.  Lunch will NOT be free of charge, and should be purchased/prepared by the participants by themselves. You can order lunch boxes in the Registration System until 13:00 April 4, 2024 Japan time (UTC+9).

May 9,   12:45 – 13:45,    [Room B]
Panel Session 1: Addressing the Challenges Faced by the Wireless Power Industry
Organizer:   Dinesh Kithany (Wired & Wireless Technologies (WAWT), United Kingdom)

Session Abstract:
Wireless power technology which is popular only across a few applications is yet to see vast adoption across industry sectors and applications. Let’s discuss the key challenges faced by the industry restricting wider and faster adoption. The panel would discuss the topic, by referring to several of their projects/situations/use-cases, across different profiles of companies.

1. Professor Nuno Borges Carvalho
2. Aeterlink: Yuji Tanabe
3. NFC Forum: Mike McCamon
4. Ossia: Hatem Zeine
5. Powercast: Charlie Goetz
6. PowerLight: Tom Nugent
7. Toyoda Gosei: Fuki Shinichiro
8. WAWT: Dinesh Kithany
9. WiTricity: Morris Kesler

May 11,   12:45 – 13:45   [Room B]
Panel Session 2: ISTP: Intersociety Technology Panel, Wireless Power Technologies and Industries
Organizers:   J.-C. Chiao (MTT-S Intersociety Technology Panel, USA)  and  Naoki Shinohara (Kyoto University, Japan)

Session Abstract:
Wireless power technology is not a single technology. We need a various technologies for the WPT, e.g. antenna, microwave circuit, power electronics, device, materials, EMC/EMI, etc. We also need a harmonization with academia and industory not only for WPT theory and technology but also for WPT applications and new WPT market. In this panel, we discuss the future hopeful collaboration between various scientific societies and industries.

1. Prof. Koichi Ito (Former president of APS)
2. Professor Nuno Borges Carvalho (Former president of MTTS)
3. Prof. Mauro Feliziani (EMC, WPTCE2025 chair)
4. Prof. Chris Mi (AdCom member of PELS)

May 11,   12:45 – 13:45   [Room C]
Panel Session 3: Second Generation Wireless Power Technologies – Opportunities and Challenges
Organizer & Moderator:   Sanjay Gupta (AirFuel Alliance, USA)

Session Abstract:
The panel of global industry leaders will provide an overview of far-field and near-field wireless power technologies and their experiential benefits over current market solutions. We will discuss the markets and use cases that are most appropriate for each technology. The panelists will share their experiences and provide insights to help successfully integrate the technology and its commercialization. We will also discuss opportunities for industry and academia to collaborate to accelerate the adoption of second-generation WPT technologies. The panelists will also take questions from the audience, so come prepared!

1. Doug Stovall (CEO Ossia, USA)
2. Tomoaki Higuchi (Dione Company President, Marubun, Japan)
3. Yuji Tanabe (CTO and Founder, Aeterlink, Japan)
4. William Hsu (Director of Application Engineering, Voltraware, Taiwan)
5. Paul Mitcheson (Founder, Bumblebee Power, UK)